Tete's Atelier


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Last update: July 26, 2024 23:23

Welcome to Tete's Atelier.
In my site, I publish the MIDI and MP3 data of Dragon Quest and Baroque Music, etc. I place software too.

July 26, 2024
Uploaded Firefox 128.0.3 x64 SSE3 private build.

1. Contents

1.1. Main

The private build of Firefox, etc. (Updated: July 26, 2024)
The MIDI and MP3 data of the Dragon Quest and Baroque Music. (Updated: August 3, 2013)

1.2. Message Board

Message Board
This site's message board. I look forward to your feedback about my contents.

1.3. Information

The history of my site.

2. Recent Updates

The following have extracted recent updates from the History of my site.

Copyright (C) 1997-2024 Tete, All rights reserved.
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