w3m (WWW wo Miru Tool)

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w3m とは、テキストベースの WWW ページャ。


http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/‾hsaka/w3m/index-ja.html (インライン画像表示パッチ)


Slackware 7.0 (Kernel 2.2.14 + glibc 2.1.2)
Plamo Linux 2.2.1 (Kernel 2.2.19 + glibc 2.2)


Imlib 1.9.8 以降 (インライン画像表示パッチに必要)


0.1.10, 0.2.1

インストール手順 (0.1.10)

$ tar xvfz w3m-0.1.10.tar.gz
$ cd w3m-0.1.10
$ ./configure
$ make
$ su
# make install
# exit

インストール手順 (0.2.1 + インライン画像表示パッチ)

$ tar xvfz w3m-0.2.1.tar.gz
$ cd w3m-0.2.1
$ patch -p1 < w3m-0.2.1-img-1.10.patch 
$ ./configure 
Linux 2 2 19 /i586 at server
% Hello fuka. Let's start configuration process for w3m.
% Please answer some questions.
Which directory do you want to put the binary?
(default: /usr/local/bin) 
Which directory do you want to put the support binary files?
(default: /usr/local/lib/w3m) 
Which directory do you want to put the helpfile?
(default: /usr/local/lib/w3m) 
Which language do you prefer?
  1 - Japanese (charset ISO-2022-JP, EUC-JP, Shift_JIS)
  2 - English (charset US_ASCII, ISO-8859-1, etc.)
Input your display kanji code.
        S - Shift JIS
        E - EUC-JP
        j - JIS: ESC $@ - ESC (J
        N - JIS: ESC $B - ESC (J
        n - JIS: ESC $B - ESC (B
        m - JIS: ESC $@ - ESC (B

Which? E
Do you want to use Lynx-like key binding?
Do you want to use 2-byte character for table border, item, etc.
Do you want to automatically generate domain parts of passwords for anonymous FTP logins
Do you want listing of options
[n]? y
Do you want NNTP support
Do you want ANSI color escape sequences support?
[n]? y
Do you want inline image support? (you need Imlib)

Let's do some configurations. Choose config option among the list.

1 - Baby model    (no color, no menu, no mouse, no cookie, no SSL)
2 - Little model  (color, menu, no mouse, no cookie, no SSL)
3 - Mouse model   (color, menu, mouse, no cookie, no SSL)
4 - Cookie model  (color, menu, mouse, cookie, no SSL)
5 - Monster model (with everything; you need openSSL library)
6 - Customize

Which? 5
Do you want SSL verification support
(Your SSL library must be version 0.8 or later)
[n]? y
Input your favorite editor program.
(Default: /usr/bin/vi) /usr/local/bin/jvim
Input your favorite mailer program.
(Default: /bin/mailx) 
Input your favorite external browser program.
(Default: /usr/bin/netscape) 
Input your favorite C-compiler.
(Default: gcc) 
Input your favorite C flags.
(Default: -O) -O2
Terminal library -ltermcap found at /usr/lib, and it seems to work.
Terminal library -lcurses found at /usr/lib, and it seems to work.
Terminal library -lncurses found at /usr/lib, and it seems to work.
Which terminal library do you want to use? (type "none" if you do not need one)
(default: -lncurses) 
GPM library found.
additional library found:  -lnsl
Your OS is Linux; using gc library comes with w3m.
Input additional LD flags other than listed above, if any:
Checking machine dependency.
checking Imlib.
The version of Imlib is 1.9.11.
------------ Configuration done ------------
Current w3m version is 0.2.1-img-1.10.
Extracting config.h

config.h is created. See config.h for further configuration.

Generating dirlist.cgi
Configuration done. Just type "make".
$ make
$ su
# make install
# exit

これでインライン画像の表示が可能になったが、 一旦画像を表示すると二度と消せないのが痛いなぁ。パッチ作ろうかなぁ (それとも私が分かってないだけで既にできる?) 。

Plamo 2.2.1 の場合、configure 時に以下のようなエラーが出る。
$ ./configure
Checking Imlib.
The version of Imlib is
./configure: [: 1.1: integer expression expected

Plamo 2.2.1 ではデフォルトで Imlib がインストールされており、 この場合 configure スクリプトの不備により上記エラーが発生してしまう。 Imlib のバージョンが 1.9.8 以上であれば、動作上は特に問題はないはずだが、 気になる場合は、configure スクリプトを以下のように修正する。
(作者様には連絡済み (9/3))
  if [ "x$version" = x ]; then
    echo "You don't have Imlib. Install Imlib (version >= $imlib_version)."
    exit 1
  major=`echo "$version" | sed 's/¥([0-9]*¥)¥.¥([0-9]*¥)¥.¥([0-9]*¥).*/¥1/'`
                                                                    ‾‾ 追加
  minor=`echo "$version" | sed 's/¥([0-9]*¥)¥.¥([0-9]*¥)¥.¥([0-9]*¥).*/¥2/'`
                                                                    ‾‾ 追加
  micro=`echo "$version" | sed 's/¥([0-9]*¥)¥.¥([0-9]*¥)¥.¥([0-9]*¥).*/¥3/'`
  echo "The version of Imlib is $version."

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