


#VRML V2.0 utf8
NavigationInfo {
    headlight FALSE
Viewpoint {
    position 0 0 3
DirectionalLight {#左前より
    color 0.3 1 0.3
    direction 1 0 -1
    intensity 1
DirectionalLight {#右前より
    color 0.3 0.3 1
    direction -1 0 -1
    intensity 1
DirectionalLight {#左後より
    color 1 0 1
    direction 1 0 1
    intensity 0.8
DirectionalLight {#右後より
    color 0 1 1
    direction -1 0 1
    intensity 0.8
DirectionalLight {#上方より
    color 1 0 0
    direction 0 -1 0
    intensity 1
DirectionalLight {#下方より
    color 1 1 0
    direction 0 1 0
    intensity 1
DEF origami Transform {
    translation 0 -0.707 0
    children [
        DEF TS TouchSensor {
        Shape {
            appearance Appearance {
                material Material {
                    diffuseColor 1 1 1
                    transparency 0.3
            geometry IndexedFaceSet {
                coord DEF origamiPoint Coordinate {
                    point [
                        -1 0 1 #0 左前
                        0 0 1 #1 中前
                        1 0 1 #2 右前
                        1 0 0 #3 右中
                        1 0 -1 #4 右奥
                        0 0 -1 #5 中奥
                        -1 0 -1 #6 左奥
                        -1 0 0 #7 左中
                        0 0 0 #8 中心
                coordIndex [
                    0 1 8 -1
                    1 2 8 -1
                    2 3 8 -1
                    3 4 8 -1
                    4 5 8 -1
                    5 6 8 -1
                    6 7 8 -1
                    7 0 8 -1
                solid FALSE
DEF TIMER TimeSensor {
    cycleInterval 15
DEF CI CoordinateInterpolator {
    key [0 1]
    keyValue [
        -1 0 1 #変形前
        0 0 1
        1 0 1
        1 0 0
        1 0 -1
        0 0 -1
        -1 0 -1
        -1 0 0
        0 0 0

        -0.01 0 0.01 #変形後
        0 0.707 0.707
        0.01 0 0.01
        0.707 0.707 0
        0.01 0 -0.01
        0 0.707 -0.707
        -0.01 0 -0.01
        -0.707 0.707 0
        0 1.414 0
ROUTE TS.touchTime TO TIMER.startTime
ROUTE TIMER.fraction_changed TO CI.set_fraction
ROUTE CI.value_changed TO origamiPoint.set_point
DEF roundScript Script {
    eventIn SFTime touchTime
    eventOut SFBool loop
    url "javascript:
    function touchTime(value){
DEF roundTIMER TimeSensor {
    cycleInterval 10
DEF OI OrientationInterpolator {
    key [0 0.5 1]
    keyValue [0 1 0 0, 0 1 0 3.14, 0 1 0 6.28]
ROUTE TS.touchTime TO roundScript.touchTime
ROUTE TS.touchTime TO roundTIMER.startTime
ROUTE roundScript.loop TO roundTIMER.loop
ROUTE roundTIMER.fraction_changed TO OI.set_fraction
ROUTE OI.value_changed TO origami.set_rotation

少しでも VRML 制作の面白さやヒントを得ていただければ幸いです。



拙作「VRMLおりがみ(折り鶴)」の下書きのスキャン画像(1021x1014, 41KB)


「How To Make "VRML Origami"」トップへ戻る